54/103-8, Kagithala penta, Chemmumiahpeta,
R.V. Nagar Post, Kadapa - 516 003
Enhancing technical expertise through workshops, certification programs, and hands-on training.
Providing financial assistance, emergency aid, and welfare benefits for technicians in need.
Connecting members with businesses, clients, and career growth opportunities in the industry.
The Kadapa Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technicians Welfare Association (RACTWA) was established in 2017, inspired by the vision and dedication of our senior-most engineers—S. Habbiullaha, Samba Sivudu, Haroon Rasheed Shaik, and Rahmatullah. Their vast experience, technical expertise, and commitment to the welfare of refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) technicians laid the foundation for an organization that continues to uplift and support the community.
At KDP RACTWA, we believe in unity, professionalism, and continuous growth. We work towards improving the working conditions, financial stability, and technical expertise of our members. Through training programs, networking opportunities, and welfare initiatives, we strive to create a thriving community of skilled technicians who are recognized and respected in their field.
2 | Address | D. No. 54/103-8, Kagithalapenta, Chemmumiahpeta, R.V. Nagar Post, Kadapa - 516 003 |
3 | Jurisdiction | Entire Kadapa City. |
4 | MEMBERSHIP | Any person who are doing Electronics & Home Appliances Services and Technician Work and resident of Entire Kadapa City and who are attained 21 and more years shall eligible to become a member of the Association shall abide by Rules and Regulations on payment of Rs.500/- as Admission Fee and Rs.200/- as Subscription per month i.e., Rs.2400/- per annum. |
5 | TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP | By Death or Resignation, by becoming of unsound mind, Executive Committee may condone
any member and readmit him/her provided such members pay all the arrears due to the
Association. By not attending three meetings consecutively of the Association the irrespective Officers. But the Executive Committee of the Association may restore the Membership upon a requisition made writing addressed to it but such facilities will be available for three occasions only. |
6 | GENERAL BODY | The Association shall convey General Body Meetings once in a year in the month of APRIL. All the matters connected with the affairs of the Association shall be discussed and decided in the meeting. The Election of the Office Bearers shall also be conducted in the meeting. The quorum of this meeting shall be more than half of the Members on Rolls. |
7 | EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE | The Executive Committee Meeting shall be convened once in every two months or six times in a year giving at least 3 days advance notice to members of the Executive Committee. For any emergency purpose 24 hours prior written notice shall be given for convening the Executive Committee Meeting. The Executive Committee Meeting shall also be convened by the 2/3rd Members of the Executive by themselves may convene the Meetings. |
8 | SPECIAL/EXTRA ORDINARY MEETING | On special cause being shown, the Association or 3/4th members of the total members can call for special or extra ordinary General Body Meeting by a written notice 10 days in advance all such notices shall be served to all the members as a far as possible mentioning the purposes or purposes for which the meeting is called for. Only the business specified in the notice shall be conducted in the meeting subject to the provisions of section 12 of the Societies Registration Act. The quorum of the meeting shall be 3/5th of the members on the Roll. |
9 | EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (OR) GOVERNING BODY | The Governing Body shall consist of a President, Vice Presidents (03), General Secretary, Joint Secretaries (03), Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and 15 Members in total (25). The term of the Body shall be for a period of TWO YEARS. |
10 | POWERS OF THE GOVERNING BODY | PRESIDENT : The President shall preside over all the meetings and review. The President shall be the Chief Executive of the Association. The President organize the activities of the Association in proper manner. The President shall conduct both General Body / Executive Body Meetings regularly. He shall keep all valuable records in his custody. He shall be custodian of all the properties of the Association. He signs and executes any documents by or in favour of the receipt shall be in the name of the Association. He shall be the person to sue or to be sued on behalf of the Association. The President has a casting vote, if the quorum is not achieved in any of the meeting the President will use casting vote and get the resolution passed.
VICE PRESIDENT : In the absence of the President the Senior Vice President shall act as President and perform all his duties. GENERAL SECRETARYT : To convene the meeting of the Governing Body and General Body prepare the agenda in consultation with the President. He shall correspond all relating matters relating to establishment of Educational Institutions as well as Association. He shall be responsible for the efficient running of the Association subject to over all control of the Association. He shall be custodian of all the properties of the Association. He signs and executes any documents by or in favour of the receipt shall be in the name of the Association. He shall be the person to sue or to be sued on behalf of the Association. The General Secretary shall also keep all valuable records in his custody. JOINT SECRETARY : In the absence of the General Secretary the Senior Joint Secretary shall act as General Secretary and perform all his duties. TREASURER : The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the cash and accounts and shall be responsible for placing the accounts before the General Body Meeting. The Treasurer shall collect membership Fee, Subscriptions, Donations to the Members and Public and give proper receipt to them. The Treasurer shall be custodian of all the properties of the Association. The Treasurer shall be in charge of the funds and he is responsible for all the amounts collected on behalf of the Association. The amount so collected shall be deposited in any Nationalized/ Scheduled/Private Bank(s) Account in the name of the Association and same shall be operated by the President, General Secretary and Treasurer jointly, if withdrawals of amounts any two specimen signatures are enough to with draw amounts on behalf of the Association. ASSISTANT TREASURER : The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer for submission of accounts before the General Body. In the absence of the Treasurer the Assistant Treasurer shall act as Treasurer and perform all his duties. MEMBERS: : The remaining Members shall assist the President/Secretary in smooth functioning of the welfare activities of the Association. |
11 | AUDIT OF ACCOUNTS | The accounts of the Association shall be audited by a Chartered Accountant appointed by the General Body of the Association. |
12 | LEGAL MATTERS | The Association may sue or be sued in the name of the President only. Legal Advisor (S) shall be appointed by the Executive Committee from time to time and their remuneration fixed |
13 | QUORUM | The Quorum of General Body Meeting shall be 3/5th of the Members on rolls. For Governing Body the quorum is five members only. |
14 | FUNDS | The Funds of the Association shall be utilized for welfare activities of the Association Funds shall raise by way of Donations and Public both State and Central Government A.P. State Social Welfare Broad, NABARD and Abroad agencies. The Joint Account should be opened in any Nationalized/ Scheduled/Private Bank (s) in the name of Association and same shall be operated by the President, General Secretary and Treasurer jointly, if withdrawal of amounts any two specimen signatures are enough to with draw amounts on behalf of the Association |
15 | DISSOLUTIONS | In the event of the Association is dissolved the provisions of Sec 24 of A.P. Societies Registration Act, 35 of 2001 is followed |
16 | ENFORCEMENT OF JUDGEMENT | The enforcement of Judgement against the property of the Association shall be in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 27 of A.P. Societies Registration Act, 35 of 2001 followed. |
17 | SUITS | The Association may sue or to be sued in the name of the Secretary-cum-Correspondent as determined by the Rules and Regulations of the Registered Association as per the provisions laid down in Section (19) of the A.P. Societies Act 35 of 2001. |
18 | INCOME TAX ACT 1961 | a) The funds of the Association would be invested as per section 11 (5) of the I.T. Act, 1961 b) The Association is irrevocable. c) The accounts would be maintained regularly and would be audited by a Charted Accountant. d) The funds of the Association would be utilized only towards the objects and to no portion of it would be distributed in any manner to the Trustees or persons defined in section 13 (1) (c) of the I.T. Act, 1961. e) In the case of winding-up/ dissolution the net funds would be transferred to other institution having similar objects and enjoying exemption U/S. 12A and 80-G of the I.T. Act, 1961. f) The benefits of the objects would be available to the General Public irrespective of Caste, Creed, Religion or Sex etc. g) The Association will not make any Amendments to the clause of the Memorandum of Article of association/ Deed without the written permission of the Commissioner of Income Tax. h) The Charitable activities would be confined to the territory of India I) The activities would be purely charitable/ non-religious in nature not motivated for profit. |
19 | OTHERS | If any other things done or any action taken under the said Acts in the exercise of any power conferred by or under the said Acts shall be deemed to have been done or taken in the exercise of the powers conferred by or under this Act 35 of 2001 of A.P. Societies Registration Act will be force and action taken. |
KDP RACTWA organizes training workshops, industry seminars, and networking events to enhance the skills and knowledge of technicians.
Leading with vision and dedication to uplift our technician community